Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday Baby!

Since today is Bryan's birthday, I feel justified in sharing a few things about him you may not know. I usually parade my kiddos all over this blog but this one is just to share a little bit about why I am excited that Bryan came into this world 32 years ago.

(The above pictures were taken in London on our honeymoon 3 years ago - I thought they were only a glimpse of Bryan's sense of humor)

Let's see, where do I even start?
I love his:
- genuine love for God
- Randomness
- keen sense for style
- cleanliness
- honesty
- thoroughness
- ability to make anything we do FUN
- drive to see something from start to finish (completion)
- ability to be one of the best dad's ever
- great laugh
- ability to fix things (troubleshooting)
- beautiful mind/ creativity
- sense of humor
- great company
- awesome insight
- loving nature
- family values (commitment)
...and the list goes on!

Here are a couple of pictures from 32 years ago. His mother (Debbie) developed toxemia during her pregnancy so Bryan was brought into this world just a little prematurely but was a healthy little boy none the less. Kind of remind you of Pete?

We thank God for you Bryan and we love you!
What I am trying to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYAN! Your family loves and adores you.


  1. Here here! We're so lucky to have him in our lives!

  2. Happy Birthday to Bryan! How'd the cake turn out??

  3. happy birthday.

  4. Happy Birthday friend!

  5. Happy Birthday Bryan!!!

    I still can't believe how much Pete looks like Bryan!

  6. Hope you have a good one! Enjoy!

  7. happy (belated) birthday, bryan! i totally got a kick out of the makes me miss seeing you guys at the apartment in texas. :)
