Sunday, August 03, 2008


Bryan had the great idea for us to take Aubrey to see her first movie in a theater. After hearing some friends rave about it, he decided that WALL-E would be a great movie to take her to see. I agreed! It was for sure a great choice. I believe it is one of the best animated films I have seen to date. WALL-E was very well made and visually breathtaking. I fell in love with him the first part of the movie (which the first 30 minutes was just of him) The movie had a lot of underlying themes and they were presented brilliantly. Bryan and I definitely had a few laughs throughout the movie. We will for sure own in when it comes out on DVD. All this to say that we recommend it to people of all ages.
Aubrey really enjoyed it as well, it kept her interest for the most part (tip: it is good to bring a bag of m&m's to help keep a child interested towards the end of a movie)



  1. we've been thinking about taking the kids to see wall-e. i know aaden will love it, but we're not sure about rylan. good to know that aubs sat through it. i'm glad you had a fun outing with the fam.

  2. Chase and i are acutally going to have a pose off later in the week. i am taking him down.
