Friday, August 22, 2008

"...singin' a song, side by side"

Pete loves his big sister! When he hears her voice, his face lights up. He smiles and laughs at her constantly. She is always loving on him too and asks to hold him. I let her a lot more now than I use to and also, he is pretty sturdy; I doubt she could do much damage :) I am excited that I have a front row seat as I watch this relationship grow.
I have a few random pictures I wanted to share so I will post them for you here. Hope you enjoy them:

"It's time for Bible class."
Sometimes you never know what scenario your child will come up with when left to themselves. I walked into Aubrey's room after not hearing her for a little while (I usually know somethings up then). She explained that her pink duck was Mrs. Patty (her Sunday school teacher) and the other bears and chickens and things were her students. Hey, they need to learn about God too right?

Rainy Days: We have been so grateful for the rain! The other day I told Aubrey we could go to the library so she was getting excited about it and right before we were about to leave, it started raining. I really didn't want to get out and drive in the rain so I came up with a better solution...let's just PLAY in the rain. So that is exactly what we did. Free entertainment - I am all about that.

Wanna be, wanna be like daddy. Pete resembles his dad which is great because I have always thought Bryan is and was absolutely adorable (I know mushy hah? - just keeping it real here) These shirts were given to Bryan by our friend Libby when Aubrey was born. We busted them out the other day and saw this to be more fitting since Pete really is a mini-version of Bryan. I am proud of my boys!

Bryan had to run a quick errand so he asked Aubrey if she wanted to go with him (which is a real treat because he usually is working in his office during the day). Of course, she jumped at the chance and enjoyed it.

I love this picture he snapped of her. She looks so grown up and so proud to be hanging out with dad during the work day.


  1. Those smiles melt my heart! I love all the pictures and stories.
