Thursday, December 20, 2007

To all you preggers out there...

...and the ones who form conversations with us.

This pregnancy seems a little easier now that it is my second time around. I think it is because I am not thinking about being pregnant all the time due to the fact that I am trying to keep up with my 22 month old. I am now 25 weeks along and feel pretty good. I think this is the point where I actually feel more pregnant in the sense that my body reminds me of it more (tired from doing normal tasks, frequent urge to use the ladies room, the need to roll out of bed instead of popping up, ect.)
I hate to admit it but I am posting this mainly because I am wanting to vent a little. Not only am I starting to "feel" pregnant, I am reminded of it by everyone. (which actually is great because I am showing more, it means my baby is growing and I am thankful that my little one is healthy)
I am mainly talking about HOW people sometimes remind me that I am pregnant. I don't know if you are tracking with me but you will. I am posting a list of WHAT NOT TO SAY to a pregnant lady and WHAT TO SAY:

WHAT NOT TO say to a pregger: (actual things I have been told)
- "You just look like you are about to pop." (not too flattering to a woman)
- "WOW, you got huge fast."
- "Are you really sure you are not having twins?"
- "You look so miserable"
- "Have you not had that baby yet?" (especially when I am at least month from my due date)
- "You look 11 months pregnant!"

WHAT TO say to a pregger:
- "Girl, you are all baby."
- "You just look so great."
- "You have that glow about you!"
- "I just saw you from the back and I couldn't even tell you were pregnant." (one of the best comments you can make, especially because we can't see what is going on back there)
- "Wow, you make a great looking pregnant lady."
- "You should model in a pregnancy magazine."

So there you have it. I hope this either gave you some insight or made you laugh. If you are or have been pregnant before, I'd like to hear some comments you have heard that have either rubbed you the wrong way or made you feel great.

I wanted to end with a picture Clay Kitchens took of a line of pregnant women at the Alpine Crossroads Christmas party in order of due dates.

(here are the ladies from right, the furthest along, to left)
Cindy Pruitt, already had her baby (Richard Cooper Pruitt)
Karen Jones, due in mid-March with a girl
Jill Corbitt, having twin girls in March (or before)
Andrea Silverthorne (me), due the end of March and not finding out
Melissa Kitchens, due early May, finds out the gender January 9th
Christy Norton, due July


  1. My favorites are always the ones that come when you tell people that you are pregnant after your first child. Things like, "Again!" or "Don't you know what causes that?" Well...yes. Of course. Come on, people. A little encouragement please. Sheesh.

  2. hehe...I know, it is almost like they are not even excited for your new bundle of joy.

  3. Congratulations guys!

    I was just thinking about Bryan earlier, Beck was playing on the radio specifically "New Pollution". Reminded me of a late night hanging out at the Gregg County Airport while working on the good old Katana...

    Miss you guys! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

  4. My real favorite is, "You look great, like you haven't gained any weight!"
    My "favorite" is "you are sticking out everywhere". What exactly do you mean by everywhere people?

