Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What a big girl you are!

It is really amazing being a parent and watching this little human being (God's little gift) grow up so fast. I am with Aubrey all the time! Other people may say that she has grown and sometimes I just don't see it; other times I feel like she has grown so much just over night. Recently she has seemed like such a big girl. I have taken these pictures to capture her big girl moments:

Also, we went to Tyler yesterday so I could do a little Christmas shopping (SWEET) and I dropped Aubrey off at my mom's house. When I got back they were playing and Grammy was making Aubrey laugh so hard - here, see for yourself:


  1. LOVE those pigtails!!!

  2. What a sweet girl! So good to see your Mom, too! Tell her hello for us.
    Merry Christmas--loved your card!
