Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Pass the sweet potatoes please"

Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving Day. I wish I had taken more but I was busy slaving away in the kitchen. This year we went to Noonday and met up with Aaron (older bro), Drew (twin bro) and his family, along with my mother and step-dad. Amy (sister) and her family could not make it down from Wyoming but I heard they had a nice feast up north.

This year marked Bryan's first year to carve the turkey! We were so impressed with his cutting skills.

I put an apron on Aubrey and I think she really enjoyed "being a big girl." She kept it on a lot longer than I thought she would. We will probably give her a big girl task next year so she can feel useful in the kitchen. This year she really just wanted to pull pots and pans from the cabinets.

Aubrey and cousin Alyse had a great time together as well. It is so great to watch them both grow and really get excited about seeing each other. They call each other "Aubwey" and "Lyse." Every time they meet up, they will give each other a big hug. This is a picture of them after getting tired out from jumping on the bed.

Also, Drew and I both had the idea for me to pose this picture that he had taken 2 Thanksgivings ago when I was pregnant with Aubrey (left) - I am one month less pregnant in this year's Thanksgiving picture (right) than the one Drew took of me two years ago.
-------Thanksgiving 2005-----------------Thanksgiving 2007--------

I just have to say that I am thankful for God's many blessings in my life!


  1. I think the tasks that you and mom used to give me will probably be pretty appropriate for Aubrey next year.

    "I can get my OWN food."

  2. Love the pictures! Y'all look great. It just doesn't get much better than Thanksgiving. It's my all-time favorite holiday. Aubrey's apron is precious! Anna Kate has one and wears it everyday :)

  3. Hey guys!

    Thanks for visiting my place, I am glad we can keep up with what's going on this way! Congrats on the future addition to your family!

    God bless!


  4. I love the pictures! The one of Aubrey and her cousin are so cute, and I like the one of both of you in your aprons together!
