Friday, November 02, 2007

Another time, in NOT another place

Drew and I have officially spent every one of our birthdays together except our 16th (that was because I was in Tennessee at Nationals for volleyball) We have sworn to always meet up on our special day no matter where we lived or the circumstance. Here are a few pictures we have taken through the years at our mom's house. I know there are other pics of birthdays at her house but I have not been able to locate them.
It has been interesting that he has always been my right hand man in the pictures AND that we have always stood in the same spot. Check them out!

Twins at 28

Twins at 25

Twins at 22

Twins at 20

Twins at 15


  1. This is really cool to see. My, how you've changed!

  2. Ok, I didn't even know you are a twin! Maybe I've heard that somewhere along the way, but I forgot. Anyway, those are really neat pictures!
