Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Happy 16 months Pete!!

My how you've grown!


I am smitten by Pete (as most mothers are with their sons)

To me, he is the most huggable/lovable little man.
I thank God for him. Pete is growing like a weed. He now weighs 26 lbs. I am not sure his height right now but I will let you know on his 18 month check-up.

I gave a little blurb about his little personality and the things I love about him when I posted his 1 yr blog post. However, I will fill you in on some things in case you haven't seen him lately.

1) new development for him is that he LOVES the quack, quack song by the Wiggles. Even though we do not watch them, we introduced him to their song on YouTube and he was an instant fan of this song (like Aubrey)

2) He is infatuated with cords! I would say he takes after his dad on this one. He loves pulling cords out of walls, finding a wad of cords (good thing Dad has a large collection) & loves to drag cords around. This just kind of happened but he pulled the baby monitor cords out of a drawer one day and got them all tangled up but I decided to keep those knotted up cords in the drawer for him to play with every day.

3) I work with his class at ACA for one day a week this summer and I love to work and have Pete with me (although there are some drawbacks because he can get a little clingy at times when I am trying to assist another child).
It has been fun to watch his interaction with other children. I would have to say the #1 reason he and another kid clash is if they are wanting their personal space because Pete just wants to go up and hug everyone; I guess I would rather have a hugger than a biter :)

4) He still gets a kick out of playing with Aubrey (he calls her Oggin) & LOVES to hug her!
She is an awesome big sister and is always looking out for her little bro. I am very proud of them both. This is a picture I took last week when it was wet outside. They loved playing in the water puddles and getting dirty. I didn't mind that - they seemed to be having so much fun together and I think they were just happy to get out of the house for a little while. It had rained a lot last week and we didn't get out much.

5) Pete recently has grown fond of his little yellow blanket. He usually will grab it and follow me around the house when he gets sleepy. He also loves to just get it and lay with it on the floor.
Words/Sounds Pete can now say: Momma, Dadda, Aubrey (Oggin), Nanna, Grandad (Gaandaa), Buck, apple, quack-quack, moooo, shhhhh, Jump (Juuu), Bubble, Banana (Nanna), Back-Pack
There may be others but I am drawing a blank.

I will leave you with a few pictures of Pete and a few of his friends at school:

(left to right - Trenton, Pete, Cole, Sam)


  1. Super cute!! He does look like such a big boy in that stroller...too cute!!

  2. Oh my gosh you make me wanna cry...I am missing out on so much

  3. LOVE IT!!!! I just wish Pete and Lars could be best buds!
