Friday, September 05, 2008

5 months on the 5th

Today, Pete is 5 months old. It is hard to believe that he is growing so fast. I know Aubrey is excited for him to grow up so she can run around and play with him. I have been waiting for a few days to post these recent pictures of our precious son.
One of Pete's favorite things to do now days is jump in the jumperoo he inherited from his cousins. I was hoping he would like it but that is an understatement. Aaron delivered it to our house and as I was talking to him, I put Pete in it. We talked for a good while and just kept looking at Pete as he was jumping. He smiled, and jumped, smiled and jumped. He was in it a good 30 minutes the first time and now we will jump in it even longer. That boy is a certified jumper now. I must get a video so you can see this awesomeness. For now you will have to view his cuteness in a still-shot.
Also, I don't know if you read the post of his 4 1/2 check-up but Pete was 28 inches long and I thought it was interesting as I looked back at a post I created when Aubrey was 7 months old - she was not even that tall yet.

HAPPY 5 months Pete! We love your little personality already.


  1. He is getting so big! I love this stage where they are content and everything is new! The girls will have to start playing with Pete on Mondays!

  2. Pete is so cute! That is one loooong baby! He reminds me of Aaden when he was little. Awwwe. You have two beautiful children.

  3. oh my gosh he is SOOO happy and cute! yay!!! :O)
