I want to celebrate my mom. If you have ever met her, you would walk away saying, "That lady is really bubbly and full of life." I love this about her. She is probably the most optimistic person I know. She is very caring, VERY easy to talk to, sympathetic and is very strong in her faith in God. I am encouraged by her in many ways. I know it hasn't been easy on her, raising us after my father passed away. She had 4 teenagers at one point and a lot of responsibilities on her. I admire that she has turned to God in her decisions when it came to us by putting us in great school situations and in a great home. She has always encouraged us kids in what we showed interest in throughout the years and directed us in the way we should go; I believe that has helped each us to flourish. She is also an awesome Grammy to her 9 grandkids :) I could really go on and on.
I just wanted to say, I love ya mom! Thanks for showing me how to be a good mom. Happy Birthday! I leave you with a video of mom being funny and making Aubrey laugh when Aubrey was little. LOVE IT!
I gave Aubrey and Pete some fruit salad and I hear Aubrey say to Pete in a bragging tune:
Aubrey: ha - ha - ha - ha -ha - I've got more oranges than you dooo
Me: you don't have to one-up Pete you know
Aubrey: what does one-up mean?
Me: When you point out the fact that you have more than someone just to brag or just to try to make the other person feel bad because they don't have as much as you do. Don't you think that might hurt someones feelings when you rub in the fact that you have more than they do?
(Aubrey paused and contemplated a moment)
Aubrey: ha - ha - ha - ha -ha - we both have oranges
I can still remember like it was yesterday, being at the hospital in Bossier and seeing my sweet nephew for the first time and holding him. Charlie has been a total joy to everyone he is around. When I picture his little face in my head, it always has a smile because that is how he ALWAYS is when I see him. What a precious child. I am so privileged to be a part of this little man's life. I LOVE YOU CHARLIE!!
I want to share something God has placed on my heart. I should relax and focus more on my kids - my husband - home and less on everything else, including myself. I am mainly talking about the time and energy I give to these things. It has been easy for me to stray away from kids/husband/home (with my time) and follow selfish desires like me wanting to talk to my friends, me wanting to browse my emails, check out my google reader, do my workout, my, my, my. Seriously, when I go to bed and the end of the day, what my stuff is going to be fulfilling? I'm not saying that my stuff is bad. I need my time but when am I taking my time? Angie sent me this link after I shared with her my heart about this matter and it was put so perfectly. I seriously doubt God is pleased by some of the choices I have made in a day. We are constantly faced with decisions (especially as parents) to choose our priorities. Thinking of what benefits our kids should absolutely be towards the top of our list under serving God (which coincidentally ties into focusing on our family) This is easier said than done. I struggle with "self" on a day by day basis. My prayer is to no longer see "self" but to simply be the person God intends for me to be. Someone who possesses His characteristics. I desire to be a wife who is gracious and steadfast, a devoted mother who is stern, considerate, compassionate and loving - a homemaker who is hospitable and who takes ownership and pride in her home.
As I typed the last few lines, an old hymn popped into my head. I think it is appropriate and I pray it is always my desire:
Have Thine Own Way Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! Thou art the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still.
Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! Hold o'er my being absolute sway. Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see Christ only, always, living in me!
I leave you with a couple of videos of our kids. Aubrey says the Pledge of Allegiance in the bathtub and Pete laughs at a silly ball. THIS is what fills my heart with joy at just the remembrance of it.
I have not blogged in a while because I decided to focus on my family more and my house. I am still looking for that balance and I hope that I will someday. For now, my kids are in bed, husband it doing a little work, so here I am to update you. Here is a look into the party life of the Silverthorne's in November.
Well, My birthday started the month off. Yes, Drew & I turned the big 30!! Here is a picture of us at the Johnny Carino's in Tyler. I LOVE THAT PLACE. I love having Drew as a twin. HAPPY 30 BRO!! We had lots of friends and family there. I was overwhelmed with the love in that room. Thanks again Amy for orchestrating that. On my birthday, my little family took me out to Cheddar's after church. We had an awesome time! It was a good day.
We also got to go to some pretty fun birthday parties!!
Eden's party was happening with her Little Mermaid theme and the pin-the-fin on the Mermaid. We had a great time and LOVE the Roberts new house! I can't believe she is already 5. I am so proud that we got her the movie "Little Mermaid" last year for her birthday and I guess she liked it ;) She got an Ariel doll this year and wouldn't put it down at the party. Precious! It is so awesome that Ben and Amy are good friends with all of my siblings. It's fun that the cousins were all invited to the party as well.
Pump-it-up with Grayson was pretty fun too. Aubrey has been friends with Grayson from the beginning. We always have fun with them.
At Andrew Tutt's party Aubrey even got to ride a horse for the first time. She LOVED it!! She really was a natural. She started out on the pony but wanted to ride the horse ALL BY HERSELF! Pete didn't care so much - maybe next time.