Saturday, April 18, 2009

Approved Kid's Book: MOUSE SOUP

I thought I would periodically put a children's book recommendation on my blog for those of you seeking out new and fun books to read to your little ones. I would love for you to share some with me as well. MOUSE SOUP is my first one. My neighbor recommended it to me and Aubrey (my 3 year old) knows it word for word. She has learned several things from reading this book. It includes a series of short stories so it has an index which is fun because she understands what the word "index" means now. Also, I love it's creativity and randomness! Check it out sometime. It will also be a great starter book when she is ready to read herself.


  1. Ah! We'll have to give it a shot. We're always looking for a good book and anything by Arnold Lobel is bound to be good. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Wow...I am so impressed that Aubrey knows the word index and what it means! The teacher in me LOVES that you're recommending books! We have a ridiculous collection...I've always had a mild fetish when it comes to children's books. I'll try to think of some of my favorites to share!
    Kendra :)
