Monday, March 31, 2008

40 weeks plus

My due date was yesterday so I guess our baby has decided to stay in my tummy for a little while longer. I am really okay with that because I feel good and the baby is healthy too (that is the most important thing). Bryan and I talked and we want to have a natural birth so hopefully the baby will just come on his or her own. I am starting to get a little pain in my lower back and some pains in my legs when I walk, but other than that, everything is good. Also, it is nice have an end in sight. My Dr. says I am dilated to a 4 and has me scheduled to be induced on Monday morning (April 7th) if I don't have the baby by then. I will keep you updated on any other progress but for now, this is my status.


  1. I like how when the pictures start out you fixed your hair and wore it down, and now you're like, ehh, a ponytail is fine. You still look great either way.
    Also, I hope you don't have an April fools baby, but I guess that is a possibility. Anyway, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.

  2. In week 40, you kind of remind me of a scalene triangle. And I mean that in the most "favorable" way.

  3. You look great!! I'm pulling for us to be the same day!!Anytime before Friday!

  4. i feel your pain. it's like, i'm glad they are healthy and cozy...but i don't really want to get any bigger!! :) you look awesome and i'm glad you are feeling so good! molly beth was 5 days over due and jack was 3! you have such a good attitude about it. i hope everything goes the way you would like it too and you're able to go natural! :)
