Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Refer to similar blog post.


  1. I understand Pete dressing up in sister's play clothes. But those two outfits are the same??? So, is one really his? And if so, I'm sure it's okay or going to be okay. :) Karen

  2. HA! Karen, you crack me up. We were given several outfits. The snow white outfit was the only one we got a duplicate of and OF COURSE Aubrey wants to put Pete in matching outfits :)
    I was more okay with it because it was blue as apposed to the Sleeping Beauty hot pink.

  3. Who needs a prince when you can dress your brother like a princess?! ;)

  4. oh my goodness...I have been so BAD at reading blogs and I just saw this!! This makes me so happy to see...and thanks for the shout out! :) I will have to show this to Mark...he'll feel better that his boy isn't the only one tortured by his big sister!
