Friday, May 16, 2008

My buddies & me

This post is not only about MY 3 buddies but the 3 buddies in which they delivered for Pete...If this seems confusing, it will all make sense to you soon:
Jessi Scherm, me, Lara Hood and Melissa Kitchens all had boys (respectively) within a month and 6 days of each other. HOW EXCITING! It is great to be pregnant at the same time as your friends but it is even greater to share a common bond of having boys around the same age. Here are a few before and after shots...CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS, I hope you love having a son as much as I do.

Jessi delivered:
Lars Karlyle Scherm
April 4th
7 lb. 9.5 oz. & 21.5 in.

Lara delivered:
Grant Parker Hood
April 25th
7lb. 6oz. & 20in.

Melissa delivered:
Cole Wayne Kitchens
May 10th
8 lbs. 7oz. & 21 in.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post!! crazy that so many people had babies so close thogether, and all boys!!! You can add my friend Kristen to the list, she delivered Luke Witten, March 29th.
