This past Saturday we had a party for Aubs' 2nd birthday and invited family and a few friends. It was a great time! I think Aubrey really enjoyed being around most of her favorite people all at once. Aubrey received a bunch of fun gifts and we had pizza, ice cream and ladybug cupcakes. A good time was had by all.
This past Monday, since it was the day before Aubrey's birthday, daddy decided to join us at Pump It Up (the inflatable party zone). It is really neat because Mondays, from 9:30am to 11am is what is called "preschool time" for kids 6 and under so it is nice for Aubrey to go and not be trampled by older kiddos. It is also fun because we can meet her two buddies from church, "Gwayson" and "Mal-Mal" as she calls them. Anyway, Aubrey and I have gone several times but my play time with her is somewhat limited since I am on my last lap of pregnancy so Daddy being there was SO COOL for her. Drew also came with Grayson so it was fun to have the guys there helping out and playing too. I seriously think they had as much fun if not more fun than the kids. Here are a couple of clips of Bryan and Drew playing with Aubrey, Grayson and Mallory. The laughing you hear in the background is Amy Porter and I cracking up mainly at the dads. It was so fun to see everyone having such a great time.
I managed to get a few photos of the kiddos but I was inside the bounce house taking them so needless to say it was a little bumpy and the lighting is a little bad so the pictures did not turn out how I wanted them. Here are a couple of the better ones though.
By the way, the title of my post is in reference to the old SNL skit, "Hans and Franz" preformed by Dana Carvey (one of my personal favorites) and Kevin Nealon.
Well, our little girl turned 2 today. It is really hard to believe it has been 2 years but then again, I can't imagine our life without our precious ladybug. We have enjoyed her sweet nature, loving spirit and sense of humor. Here's to a wonderful 2 years!! I could go on and on but I will just share a couple of pictures to show how much our girl has grown:
FEBRUARY 2008 PS. Thanks Angie for the idea for the title of this post. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
The other night Bryan gave Aubrey a bath and then they put away all of the bath toys before she went to bed. The next day Bryan asked me if I had given her another bath and I said, "No, but I did let her play in the bath tub while I was getting ready." He then proceeded to show me what our little Einstein had done. (Mind you, this is something neither of us had ever shown her) She unstacked her colorful stacking cups, lined them up and placed her bath toys according to color in each cup (excluding the red cup, however, two of the ducks in the red cup have red accents). Needless to say, we were pretty impressed.
Side note: the title of this post is a quote from one of my all time favorite Steven Spielberg movies, Jurassic Park.
Darrell (Aubrey's Grandad) got a new camera and took some awesome pictures Aubrey & Aubrey with Debbie (her Nana) at the park here in Longview on Sunday. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.