Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First tooth, what?

Two days ago Aubrey's bottom tooth finally surfaced, making it a monumental day for her...her FIRST TOOTH! As exciting as it was, there are still more to follow which means a little more fussiness but it is all part of growing right? Growing Pains! Anyway, I just wanted to post this to show you how she is sometimes from one minute to the next...


  1. Awww...poor baby, but how exciting about the tooth!

  2. I will get on that wrathful buddha!

  3. Growing pains?

    "Show me that smile again. Don't waste another minute on your crying. We're nowhere near the end. The best is ready to begin.

    As long as we got each other, we got the world sitting right in our hands.
    Baby rain or shine; all the time.
    We got each other, sharing the laughter and love."

  4. sharing the laughter and love!!!

  5. Thanks guys for bringing me back! I use to get the warm fuzzies when I would watch Kirk.
