I have been told that Aubrey looks like a cupie doll. What the heck is a "cupie doll?" Well, thanks to technology, I found an image of one. You be the judge.
A week ago, Aubrey turned 6 months old and ate rice cereal for the first time. She really enjoyed eating and seemed like a natural. For now all she is having is mother's milk and the rice cereal. We will add more colorful stuff in the near future which will lead to some cute, messy pictures, but for now, here ya go...
The Gunter twins are here! Sara did so well during the pregnancy and birth of her handsome sons. They were born at a quarter til midnight on the 22nd of this month and were named Michael William and Owen Wallace. Amy and I were able to make it to Athens in time to see the boys just after they were born.
Congratulations Gunters on your healthy, handsome boys.
Today Buckner received his first groom so I thought I would post it for all to see. I don't know why we didn't do this at the first of the summer because has been shedding so much and because of the heat. PS - check out how much Buckner has grown since we first got him. (refer to picture on top, left hand of our blog)
Aubrey's second tooth is trying to break through now but until it does, she has random crying spells. When she started up today I remembered a tip her Dr. told me during Aubrey's last visit. She advised me to get a cold carrot and let her teeth on it. I think it is apparent in these pictures that Aubrey really liked it. Caution: Do not leave a child unattended with a carrot in order to prevent eye injury and/or gagging.
It is precious to see Aubrey and Buckner not only getting use to the idea of sharing attention, but really having fun with each other. I was worried at first that Buck would be jealous but he has really warmed up to our little one and is very protective of her. Here is a brief clip of him entertaining her; and YES, I do let him lick on her, not usually this much but I was about to give her a bath anyway so lick away big boy!
Two days ago Aubrey's bottom tooth finally surfaced, making it a monumental day for her...her FIRST TOOTH! As exciting as it was, there are still more to follow which means a little more fussiness but it is all part of growing right? Growing Pains! Anyway, I just wanted to post this to show you how she is sometimes from one minute to the next...