Tuesday, July 11, 2006

From the mountains to the prairies

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Pitkin, CO.
Aubrey loved being carried around in her baby bjorn. Also, we read up on baby sickness at high altitudes and I got kind of concerned but Aubrey seemed to adjust nicely. She really loves being in the great outdoors. This past week in Pitkin also marked a special time because it was Aubrey's first time to roll from her stomach to her back.

Jeremy, Amy and little Jack got to visit too.

Here are Grandad and Nana with sleepy Aubrey!

We can't forget Buck! He loved the hikes and the cool weather. Beautiful dog hah?

1 comment:

  1. The first picture with the three of you is easily one of the best pictures of Aubrey I've seen yet.

    Also, another suitable title for this post would have been "On Top of the World, Looking [Down] Down on Creation..."

    That is pretty long, though
