Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Happy "BIG 30" V

Man, I am getting old when my friends are turning 30! HA

I just wanted to say happy birthday to my dear sweet friend. The first time I got to really know Vanessa is by going on a Letourneau spring break missions trip with her to Mexico. There, I really got to know what a true servant's heart she had. A couple of years later I was moving back to Longview from Corsica. Vanessa had just bought a house and needed some roommates - this is where my tight group of friends "The Redmon Gals" came into existence. (Vanessa, Beth & Laura)

Here's to 30 V - I look up to you and admire you.
Thanks for being YOU!

This is of us in the Redmon house. Here, Vanessa made me some type of gourmet coffee. Pretty delicious (note: the eagle brand mild in the background) - I think we went out and played football with a bunch of people after I drank this one summer; not a good combination. This is really what it was like in our bachelorette suit. Just chillin in our crib.


  1. ahhh, the days of the bachelorette suite, just the girls...silly and sweet...tears and laughs too many to count..doing nothing and everything together...nothing compares to the days of the bachelorette with the best of friends... Happy Birthday cheers to a fellow keeper of those memories!
